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Corker: Partisan Effort Once Again Denies American People Up-or-Down Vote on Deeply Flawed Iran Deal

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, once again condemned a partisan effort to deny the American people an up-or-down vote on a resolution disapproving of the Iran nuclear deal. Despite a bipartisan majority in Congress opposed to the agreement, Senate Democrats for the second time refused to allow a final vote on the resolution of disapproval.

“Nearly every senator voted to allow Congress to take an up-or-down vote on whether we agree with the substance of the president’s deal with Iran,” said Corker. “It’s totally inappropriate from my perspective that a minority of senators are denying the American people a voice and the Senate a vote on this consequential issue just so they can protect the president from having to veto a disapproval resolution.

“When reviewing the Iran agreement, many senators said that they would vote their conscience, but today’s vote is not a vote of conscience. It is a demonstration of a minority of senators refusing to let a bipartisan majority take a vote on an issue that will affect the future security of our country.”
