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Corker Applauds Trump Administration Financial Sanctions on Venezuela

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. – U.S. Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today released the following statement after the Trump administration announced financial sanctions on Venezuela.

“These carefully calibrated sanctions send a strong signal to the Maduro regime while still allowing for much needed humanitarian assistance,” said Corker. “As I said when I visited the country in 2015, Venezuela is a country with great unrealized potential and its people deserve far better than the current state of affairs, which was brought on by gross economic mismanagement that has inflicted shortages, hyperinflation and unemployment on ordinary Venezuelans. I appreciated the detailed briefing I received from Vice President Pence this morning and applaud the Trump administration for standing with the Venezuelan people. I look forward to working with them to examine additional policy options in the near future.”
