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Corker Applauds Committee Passage of Cyber Diplomacy Bill

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today applauded committee passage of legislation to establish U.S. international policy for cyberspace. H.R. 3776, The “Cyber Diplomacy Act of 2017”, which passed the House of Representatives in January, will establish a dedicated team for cyber issues to be led by a senior State Department official, encourage the president to pursue international arrangements on cyberspace with oversight from Congress, and require a strategy for implementing U.S. international cyberspace policy.    

“The security and economic future of our country increasingly depends on working with our allies and partners to maintain a secure, reliable and open internet,” said Corker. “We need a robust agenda for cyber diplomacy with the leadership and congressional oversight necessary to carry it out successfully. Enactment of this legislation will more effectively focus and centralize cyber diplomacy efforts at the State Department.”

Text of the legislation as approved by the committee is available here.
