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Chairman Risch Welcomes Foreign Relations Committee Fall Interns

BOISE, Idaho – U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, recently welcomed five new committee interns for the fall term.

“The Senate Foreign Relations Committee majority is glad to welcome five new interns for the fall term,” said Risch. “While Capitol Hill looks a little different during the COVID-19 pandemic, these students and recent graduates are experiencing firsthand how Congress handles major global issues. I am confident they will do an excellent job during their time with the committee."

risch with fall interns

The SFRC interns this fall are:

Natalie Estess

Boise, Idaho

Estess recently graduated from the University of Idaho with a degree in business operations management and a minor in Spanish. In the future, Estess would like to work on Capitol Hill and pursue a graduate level education in Germany studying international business and digital media.

Luke Lamey

Boise, Idaho

Lamey is a student at Georgetown University where he is majoring in international politics and international security and minoring in economics. Lamey is interested in Latin American relations, European Union politics, and U.S.-China relations, and hopes to attend law school so he can pursue a career in international law.

Julia Isacson

McLean, Va.

Isacson is a graduate of Dickinson College, where she studied Russian language and literature and economics. Isacson would like to pursue a graduate degree in government studies with a focus in Russian area studies, and hopes to work in defense, intelligence, on Capitol Hill, or for a research institution. 

Anna Bensoussan

Paris, France; Miami, Fla.

Bensoussan is a second-year law student at Georgetown Law studying international litigation and arbitration. Bensoussan previously studied political science and finance at the University of Florida, and someday hopes to work at the United Nations or U.S. State Department on Middle Eastern affairs.

Will Corry

Athens, Ga.

Corry is a recent graduate of Washington and Lee University where he majored in international politics and minored in Middle East and East Asia studies. Corry has specific interests in Middle East, defense, and counter-terrorism policy, and hopes to pursue a career on Capitol Hill or at an intelligence agency.

Click here to learn more about the SFRC internship program.
