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Chairman Risch Statement on U.S. Response to Iranian Missile Strikes

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, made the following statement regarding last night’s Iranian missile strikes aimed at U.S.-Iraqi bases in Iraq:

“I hope the Iranian regime has learned a lesson. Today, the president laid out in clear terms the policies the United States has been pursuing and will continue to pursue against Iran’s unacceptable conduct on all fronts, from its attempts to acquire a nuclear weapon to its state sponsorship of terrorism throughout the Middle East. I would encourage the Iranian regime to not just listen to the president, but to carefully study his statement in total regarding the path forward. My thoughts and prayers are with our brave diplomats and armed forces in harm’s way, and the families that support them. I applaud the president for deescalating the situation and putting us back on the path of diplomacy. We do not seek conflict, but the United States will not be deterred from protecting American lives and our vital national security interests.” 
