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Chairman Risch Opening Statement at Hearing on the Malign Influence of China

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today gave the following opening remarks at a full committee hearing titled “The Malign Influence of The People’s Republic of China at Home and Abroad: Recommendations for Policy Makers”. Witnesses included Peter Mattis, president of The Jamestown Foundation, Jeffrey Stoff, founder of the Center for Research Security and Integrity, Dr. Melanie Hart, Global China Hub’s senior director at the Atlantic Council, and Dr. Jennifer Lind, professor at Dartmouth College.

Chairman Risch gave the following remarks:

“Good morning, everyone. I want to welcome our witnesses here today. I thank you all for being here and thank you for taking the time to help us explore this important topic. This is the first policy hearing this Congress and we felt it important to focus on the greatest long-term threat to the United States: China.

“As both a public official and private citizen, I’ve watched the Chinese government’s malign influence grow—their political games, economic schemes, and military aggression has only increased over the years. The Chinese Communist Party has worked diligently to bring China to what it is today, and it did it the old-fashioned way; Chinese officials bribe, steal, and cheat at every opportunity to ensure that China comes out on top. And we let them do it – virtually uninhibited. This has to stop.

“I think all of us agree the threat of Chinese influence on western societies is extremely real and needs to be addressed. The same Chinese government that commits genocide against its ethnic minorities and dramatically oppresses the God-given freedoms of its people also attempts to influence America. As we speak, they are working to undermine our national security, our economy, and our values. And it is doing the same to our allies. This isn’t just wrong, but most of all it’s dangerous.

“Chinese influence spans industries. From government to academia, from research laboratories to farms and factory floors. No matter where, the Chinese government is determined to use both our people and our institutions to achieve China’s political, economic, and military objectives.

“China interferes in elections around the world, including in the United States. It skirts foreign lobbying laws to influence democratic governments. And it woos state and city officials with elegant trips to adopt pro-China policies in an effort to pressure federal governments.

“It is no secret the Chinese government conducts espionage on American soil. But China goes far beyond this. China siphons American technology and intellectual property from companies it partners with, repurposing it for their own economic benefit and riding on the back of American ingenuity.

“China pumps money into American universities and think tanks attempting to secure access to sensitive military technology. Despite these threats, the previous administration just renewed a Science and Technology Agreement that actually encourages the very “collaboration” that could provide China with more access.

“Abroad, our allies face similar problems often at a larger scale. China coopts international organizations like the UN and ensures they never get a chance to address the many human rights atrocities and military incursions China commits.

“Sadly, while the Chinese government has improved and refined its tactics over the year, U.S. diplomatic tools and laws have not kept pace to help manage these problems.

“My goal today is to begin outlining what this committee can do to push back on China’s political, economic, and military influence in our country and abroad.

“To start, I hope that we can close the loopholes that allow for foreign agents to lobby government officials, reform our visa process to screen those who pose an intelligence risk and encourage our national security community to play a larger role to counter the Chinese influence in American universities.

“This work will take a whole-of-government approach, but in large part, will be spearheaded by Secretary Rubio.

“I know Secretary Rubio will use State as more than just a diplomatic mouthpiece, as has been the case. I know he will operate the State Department as the U.S. government’s expert agency on fighting foreign influence and incorporate countering Chinese influence into every aspect of its mission.

“The Chinese will use every trick they can come up with to undermine America and other freedom loving nations. But working together across the aisle, across branches of government, and with our allies across oceans, America has – and always will – beat our authoritarian aggressors. And I have no doubt that we will continue to do so.

“With that I will yield to Senator Shaheen.”

These remarks have been lightly edited for clarity. Witness testimony is available on
