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Chairman Menendez Welcomes Haitian President Michel Martelly to U.S. Congress

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement after meeting with Haitian President Michel Martelly today:

“As Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and as a U.S. Senator from New Jersey representing more than 57,000 Haitian-Americans, it is an honor to welcome President Martelly to the Senate,” Menendez said. “Our nations share deep ties bound by a centuries-long partnership. The U.S. remains committed to assist the Haitian government and its people following the 2010 earthquake. As the rebuilding effort continues, we will remain engaged and committed to Haiti’s growth and development. Haiti will continue on the right track when the recovery results in sustained economic growth and strengthened democratic governance marked by transparent elections.”

photo with Haitian President
