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Chairman Menendez Statement on President Poroshenko’s Address to Congress Next Week

WASHINGTON DC – U.S. Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued this statement following Speaker Boehner’s announcement that Ukrainian President Poroshenko will address a joint meeting of Congress next Thursday, September 18th.

Earlier this week, Chairman Menendez and Ranking Member Corker (R-TN), wrote Speaker Boehner and urged him to invite President Poroshenko to address Congress.

“President Poroshenko is standing at the frontlines of an international conflict where peace, security, and the international order are under threat by a Russian military that invaded Ukrainian sovereign territory,” Menendez said.  “Ukraine is facing a watershed moment in its history and Members of Congress and people across the United States must hear from President Poroshenko directly about the critical situation facing his country.  President Poroshenko will be received with open arms in Congress and Ukraine’s continued pursuit of democratic freedom in the face of Russian interference will be loudly applauded and celebrated.” 
