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Chairman Menendez Statement on Latest Developments in Tunisia

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, issued the following statement regarding the latest developments in Tunisia:

“The resignation of Tunisian Prime Minister Ali Larayedh today is a positive step for Tunisia’s democratic transition.  After months of political deadlock and negotiations among ruling and opposition parties within the National Dialogue, the parties have selected an interim prime minister and are ratifying a new constitution that promises progressive steps on gender equality and other issues. Change is also coming about as Tunisia prepares for elections later this year. Tunisia’s challenges remain great, especially the reforms and leadership needed to generate economic growth and youth employment.  However, the same Tunisia that launched the Arab Spring three years ago stands today as a hopeful example of peaceful democratic transition for a region consumed with political uncertainty and security challenges.  The United States stands by the Tunisian people and encourages all political parties to continue taking these difficult and courageous steps towards a democratic and participatory future.” 
