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Chairman Menendez Honors the Life and Legacy of President Nelson Mandela

Newark, NJ – Chairman Robert Menendez released the following statement honoring the life and legacy of former South African President Nelson Mandela:

"Nelson Mandela taught us about humanity in the face of inhumanity, and left an unjust world a more just place. He ended Apartheid and united a nation, while demonstrating almost supernatural gifts of inner strength, forgiveness, and reconciliation.  Few individuals in human history can truly claim a legacy of peace and perseverance like Mandela can. We as a global community are fortunate to have benefited from Mandela’s greatness and will forever be awed by his brave journey.  My meeting with President Mandela in South Africa years ago left me humbled by his humility and inspired by his fortitude – it was a moment that I never will forget.  The world's thoughts and prayers are with his family and the people of South Africa.  Let us honor President Mandela's legacy by re-committing ourselves to fight injustice in whatever form it exists, and promote democracy and human rights throughout all corners of the globe."
