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Chairman Kerry Statement On Elections In Afghanistan

Washington, D.C.—Ahead of tomorrow's presidential and provincial elections in Afghanistan, Senate Foreign Relations Chairman John Kerry (D-MA) released the following statement:

"The Afghan people are demonstrating tremendous courage in defying threats of violence and pursuing democracy in their elections. The fact that dozens of candidates, including two women, are competing for President and thousands of candidates, including about 300 women, are running for provincial council seats is a testament to Afghans' commitment to having a democracy that works.

"Ultimately, the success of the elections will be judged by the Afghan people. Americans share Afghans' hopes for a credible, legitimate, and inclusive process where all those that want to vote, including women, have the opportunity to do sosafely. The United States does not support any one candidate in tomorrow's contest; we will continue to work with the elected representatives of the Afghan people to help bring peace and stability to their country."
