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Chairman Kerry On Middle East Peace Talks

Washington, DC–Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry (D-MA) issued the following statement today ahead of tomorrow’s direct negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians:

“This is a moment of both promise and peril for the Middle East. I applaud the resumption of direct peace talks between Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Abbas. President Obama is right to dedicate himself and his government to the cause of peace in the Middle East, one of the world’s most intractable issues. If we can muster the courage and will to seize this moment, I am convinced that lasting peace is within our reach.

“Hamas’ cowardly terrorist violence near Hebron yesterday is a reminder that enemies of peace remain determined to force confrontation over compromise. To prevent this, all the leaders involved must strive to refrain from provocative actions that undermine negotiations.

“The window for a two-state solution won’t stay open forever. We cannot squander this chance to help the parties forge a peace that will make both their future and our future more secure. As chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, I will do whatever I can to support this process.”
