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Chairman Kerry Calls For The Immediate Return Of Two American Children Abducted To Egypt

WASHINGTON, D.C.–Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry (D-MA) issued the following statement today about the illegal abduction of two American children, Noor and Ramsay Bower:

“This is a tragic situation and my heart goes out to Colin Bower who has not been able to see his children for over a year. The case is clear: two young boys were taken illegally to Egypt by their mother in blatant contravention of a U.S. court ruling that granted the father sole custody. This is any parent’s worst nightmare. These children belong in Massachusetts with their father, and I call upon the Egyptian government to do what it can to locate Noor and Ramsay and bring them home.

Since the children were abducted in August 2009, Senator Kerry has written three letters to senior Egyptian government officials requesting the swift return of the children to their father in the United States."
