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Kerry on IAEA Report and Iran’s Nuclear Program

Kerry on IAEA Report and Iran’s Nuclear Program

Washington, DC – Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry (D-MA) today said that Iran must fulfill its international obligations and announced that the Committee will soon hold a hearing to examine the issue:

"In the last days, I met with IAEA Director General Amano to discuss his upcoming report. He is a thoughtful man who is interested only in reporting the facts. He has no other agenda. In this case, the facts of the IAEA report make it clear that Iran has not been truthful about its nuclear program. The international community must continue to stand strong and increase pressure on Iran to comply with its international obligations. Iran’s leaders know what they need to do, the question is how we ensure they start doing it. I intend to work closely with the Administration to take whatever additional necessary and productive steps to get Iran to meet the coalition’s demands. The Foreign Relations Committee is already planning a hearing for the coming weeks to look at this issue and other related concerns regarding Iran."
