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Ranking Member Risch on Biden-Putin Meeting

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement after President Biden’s summit with Russian President Putin:

“During Putin’s 20-year rule in Russia, the West has failed to meet his aggressive conduct with any response that has generated lasting change. While there are some positive outcomes from the recent meetings of the G7 and NATO, I am disappointed by issues that remain unresolved following President Biden’s meeting with Vladimir Putin.

“I’m disappointed the Nord Stream 2 pipeline continues to edge closer to completion each day.

“I’m disappointed Biden made no efforts to address Russia’s Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty violations, while the Biden Administration unilaterally disarms.

“While President Biden raised the detention of Americans Paul Whelan and Trevor Reed, former Marines still held in Russia on spurious charges, I am deeply disappointed their release was not a pre-requisite for this meeting.

“Summits are about delivering results, like the G-7 and NATO meetings, so to learn there was no tangible progress made with Russia on any issue is both unfortunate and disappointing. I am concerned we have missed an opportunity to pursue a new approach to Russia that truly confronts its malign behavior around the world.”
