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Ranking Member Menendez Introduces Resolution in Support of Free and Fair Elections in Uganda

WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today introduced a Senate Resolution calling on the government of Uganda to improve the pre-election environment and to create conditions for credible democratic elections in January 2021.  The Resolution follows an escalating campaign of repression against opposition candidates and their parties by President Yoweri Museveni.

“The United States government must be clear in its rejection of the pre-election environment created by the Museveni administration, which appears on track to keep depriving Ugandan citizens of the opportunity to determine their own future,” said Menendez. “After years of unchecked human rights abuses and attacks on democratic institutions, this Resolution reaffirms Congress’s unwavering commitment to promote and defend human, civil, and political rights and multiparty democracy in Uganda.”

Since 1996, national elections in Uganda have not met internationally accepted standards for free and fair polls.  President Museveni has remained in power for more than three decades after his National Resistance Movement (NRM) removed presidential term limits and age-limits for the presidency.

Find a copy of the Senator’s resolution HERE.

