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Wall Street Journal Editorial Says Corker-Sponsored Bill “Gives U.S. Stronger Leverage” in Iran Nuclear Negotiations

Iran Nuclear Negotiations Act of 2014 Requires Congressional Review and Enforcement of any Final Agreement with Iran

WASHINGTON - An editorial (“Obama, Congress and Iran”) in today’s Wall Street Journal urges the Obama administration to embrace legislation sponsored by Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, that “gives U.S. stronger leverage” in nuclear negotiations with Iran. The editorial states the Iran Nuclear Negotiations Act of 2014 sends a message to Iran “that Congress won’t sign off on a bad agreement that puts America’s interests at risk and is ready to double down on sanctions.” 

“The Administration is currently leaning on Democrats in the Senate to block an attempt by Republicans to give Congress a say on any Iran accord. In late July, Bob Corker, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio and John McCain —the GOP’s strongest voices on foreign policy—introduced the ‘Iran Nuclear Negotiations Act of 2014.’ The bill compels the Administration to submit any agreement for Senate review within three days of completion. If Iran walks away from the table without a deal, the sanctions waived last November would be immediately reimposed. The bill also puts in place a quick mechanism to reimpose sanctions in case Iran cheats on a deal. Both provisions are sensible safeguards,” the editorial states.

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