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***VIDEO*** Ranking Member Menendez Congratulates Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen on Second Inauguration

WASHINGTON - Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today released a video message congratulating Tsai Ing-wen on her second inauguration as President of Taiwan.

Taiwan’s democracy is one of the world’s great success stories, and the Taiwanese people’s embrace of the rule of law and of democracy is an inspiration the world over,” the Senator said. “As the international community works together to combat COVID-19, it critically important for the United States to reaffirm our support for Taiwan’s resilient and vibrant democracy, and that we recommit to deepen the bonds of friendship between the people of Taiwan and the United States.”

Below is a copy of the Senator’s full video remarks:  

“I want to extend my warmest congratulations to Tsai Ing-wen, Taiwan’s fourth democratically elected leader, on her second inauguration as president of Taiwan. 

“Taiwan’s democracy is one of the world’s great success stories, and the Taiwanese people’s embrace of the rule of law and of democracy is an inspiration the world over. As the international community works together to combat COVID-19, it critically important for the United States to reaffirm our support for Taiwan’s resilient and vibrant democracy, and that we recommit to deepen the bonds of friendship between the people of Taiwan and the United States. 

“As President Tsai undertakes her second term, I also offer my commitment to work with her to make every effort to increase Taiwan’s meaningful participation in international organizations and push back against efforts to diplomatically isolate Taipei. Taiwan’s 32 million citizens have much to offer the world, including, as we have seen in recent months, best practices for halting the spread of pandemics.

“Today, as we celebrate Taiwan’s democracy and President Tsai’s inauguration, the United States can and should send a strong message of partnership and our support for Taiwan’s rightful place in the world. But of equal importance, we send a message of the deep and genuine friendship between the people of the United States and the people of Taiwan. 

“I wish I could be there with you today. But even as we are far apart, our friendship, as they say, brings distant lands near.” 
