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Statement by Senators Menendez and Inhofe to Commemorate the Dedication of the New AIT Complex

WASHINGTON – US Senators Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) and Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), co-chairs of the U.S. Senate Taiwan Caucus, today issued the following statement to celebrate the dedication ceremony for the new American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) compound. The AIT is a non-profit, private corporation established based on the Taiwan Relations Act that was signed into law April 10, 1979.

“We extend our congratulations to the people of Taiwan as they prepare to celebrate the opening of a new office compound that will house the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT).  

“With the opening of this new building complex, AIT will be able to carry out its mission of maintaining a strong US-Taiwan partnership even more effectively and efficiently than before, including commercial services, agricultural sales, consular services and cultural exchanges.  

“This new facility also serves as a recommitment by the United States to a comprehensive, durable and mutually beneficial partnership with the people of Taiwan and Taiwan’s importance as a critical partner. We have no doubt that the US-Taiwan relationship will continue to grow and strengthen in the years and decades to come. 

“We will be with you in spirit, as will all our Senate colleagues, as you cut the ribbon and open the doors to the AIT offices.”
