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SFRC Chairman Menendez Statement in Reaction to President Biden Signing Finland, Sweden NATO Accession Protocols

WASHINGTONSenate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) issued the below statement following President Biden’s signing of Finland’s and Sweden’s North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Accession Protocols:

“President Biden’s expeditious signing of the Instruments of Ratification for Finland’s and Sweden’s NATO Accession Protocols underscores the United States’ unwavering commitment to Transatlantic security. I was proud to expeditiously move the Treaty both through the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the full Senate, which demonstrated the near unanimous bipartisan support for Finland’s and Sweden’s accession to the Alliance.

“Finland and Sweden are strong democracies, steadfast allies, and meet all criteria of NATO members. Not only will their addition to the Alliance strengthen NATO militarily, but they will serve as a bulwark of stability in support of our shared values. Moreover, their membership will reduce the resource burden on existing NATO members.

“I look forward to the remaining national parliaments considering Finland’s and Sweden’s accession in a timely manner. Today, NATO moves even closer to welcoming them into the most successful Alliance in history.”
