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SFRC Chairman Menendez Calls on International Community to Address Escalating Violence in Kosovo

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement calling on the international community to do more to address escalating violence in Northern Kosovo:

“I am deeply troubled by the escalating violence in Northern Kosovo and also disappointed in the international community’s response. While all parties involved have a responsibility to promote stability, we must be clear eyed in assessing the situation and be willing to call out shortcomings on both sides.

“Clearly, this has happened with respect to Kosovo, but I’ve seen little in the way pressure being applied to Belgrade. Kosovo has been a vital partner for the United States, the European Union, and NATO in political and security objectives across the region and the world. Meanwhile, Serbian President Vucic has not shown a commitment to the EU facilitated dialogue, mobilized his military on Kosovo’s border, has taken his country on a decidedly undemocratic path, and refused to join the United States and the rest of Europe in imposing sanctions on Russia.

“I sincerely hope the international community will recommit to supporting a process grounded in reality that promotes peace and security in Kosovo.”
