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Senate Approves Menendez Resolution Reaffirming the Importance of the United States-Japan Alliance

WASHINGTON – Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, applauded the Senate’s passage of his bipartisan resolution reaffirming the vital role of the bilateral alliance between the United States and Japan in promoting peace, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond.

“For over 70 years, the partnership between the United States and Japan has played a vital role in ensuring peace, stability, and economic development in Asia and beyond. With this resolution, we are reaffirming a relationship with Japan that will continue to be grounded in common interests and common values,” said Senator Menendez. “I am proud that the full Senate unanimously passed this common sense effort and that the House Foreign Affairs Committee also successfully passed it through their committee. Our bilateral alliance serves as proof that two nations can overcome past differences and work together toward a better future for all.”

The resolution calls for the strengthening of diplomatic, economic, and security ties between the two countries and underscores our indispensable partnership in combating the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, improving global health, countering human trafficking and promoting human rights, assisting the victims of conflict and disaster worldwide, and contributing to global economic development.

The text of the resolution can be found here.
