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Resolution on Ukrainian Democracy Passes Senate

The U.S. Senate passed a resolution recognizing the progress of Ukrainian democracy. Full text follows of the resolution introduced by U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member Dick Lugar and Chairman John Kerry:
2d Session

Recognizing the important progress made by the people of Ukraine in the establishment of democratic institutions following the presidential run-off election on February 7, 2010.


February 25, 2010

Mr. LUGAR (for himself and Mr. KERRY) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations

Recognizing the important progress made by the people of Ukraine in the establishment of democratic institutions following the presidential run-off election on February 7, 2010.
Whereas adherence by Ukraine to democratic, transparent, and fair election standards has been necessary for full integration into the democratic community;
Whereas steps undertaken by Ukraine in recent years, including reform of election laws and regulations, the development of a pluralistic and independent press, and the establishment of public institutions that respect human rights and the rule of law, have enhanced Ukraine's progress toward democracy and prosperity;
Whereas the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) concluded that `most OSCE and Council of Europe commitments were met' with regard to the conduct of the run-off presidential election on February 7, 2010;
Whereas international monitoring groups concluded that prior elections in Ukraine on January 17, 2010, and in 2007, 2006, and 2004, were also generally in accordance with international election norms;
Whereas the United States has closely supported the people of Ukraine in their efforts to pursue a free and democratic future since the declaration of their independence in 1991;
Whereas the NATO Freedom Consolidation Act of 2007 (Public Law 110-17; 22 U.S.C. 1928 note), signed into law by President George W. Bush on April 9, 2007, recognized the progress made by Ukraine toward meeting the responsibilities and obligations for membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and designated Ukraine as eligible to receive assistance under the NATO Participation Act of 1994 (title II of Public Law 103-447; 22 U.S.C. 1928 note);
Whereas Ukraine has made steps toward integration within European institutions through a joint European Union-Ukraine Action Plan, as part of the European Neighbourhood Policy; and
Whereas the United States-Ukraine Strategic Partnership Commission was inaugurated by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Petro Poroshenko on December 9, 2009: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Senate--
(1) recognizes the important progress made by the people of Ukraine in establishing democratic institutions and carrying out peaceful elections on January 17 and February 7, 2010;
(2) supports ongoing progress by Ukraine in addressing remaining challenges in the electoral processes as identified by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and other international election monitoring entities;
(3) encourages all parties to respect the independence and territorial sovereignty of Ukraine, as well as the full integration of Ukraine into the international democratic community;
(4) pledges further support for the development of a fully free and open democratic system, as well as a transparent free market economy, in Ukraine; and
(5) reaffirms its commitment to engage the Government of Ukraine in further development of bilateral cooperation through the United States-Ukraine Strategic Partnership Commission.
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