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New International Award Named for Nunn-Lugar Program

Lugar also Receives Honor

U.S. Sen. Richard G. Lugar (R-IN) has awarded the first annual Nunn-Lugar International Global Science and Security Engagement Award to veteran European diplomat Javier Solana.

A consortium of international research institutes announced the creation of the annual award in honor of the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction program November 8 in Madrid, Spain, at the first Conference on Science and International Security.

At the awards ceremony, Senator Lugar received the International Science and Security Medal and Honorary Diploma from California’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the Institute of Nuclear Fusion of the Polytechnic of Madrid.

Solana is the former Secretary General of NATO and European Union High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy.

Lugar and former Senator Sam Nunn (D-GA) developed Nunn-Lugar in late 1991 to secure and destroy nuclear, chemical and biological weapons in the former Soviet Union. In 2004, Nunn-Lugar was expanded by Congress to destroy chemical and biological weapons in Albania and other former Soviet Bloc countries.

Following the conference in Spain, Lugar will lead a delegation of Pentagon officials to Africa to secure deadly biological diseases, in addition to destroying other lethal armaments.

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