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Menendez Statement on Situation in Tunisia Following Suicide Attacks

WASHINGTON –Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued the following statement after Tunisia’s President Beji Caid Essebsi was rushed to the hospital following twin suicide attacks in the capital city of Tunis.

“In the wake of today’s terror attacks and concerning news regarding President Essebsi’s health, we must continue to stand with the Tunisian people as they continue their fight against terrorism and continue building a democratic, inclusive, and representative government.

“I condemn today’s attacks in Tunis in the strongest and clearest terms. I also extend my condolences to the families of victims, and support for the government of Tunisia’s efforts to effectively combat terrorist threats. The Tunisian people have shown great resilience in the face of terror attacks in the past; and their commitment to a free, democratic, and peaceful Tunisian Republic will build further resilience to these kind of acts. In the run-up to the Presidential and Parliamentary elections later this year, I encourage all Tunisians to remain steadfast in their commitment to these principles.

“I wish President Essebei a swift recovery. As the first democratically-elected President of the country, his decision to step down after this term was an important signal in Tunisia’s ongoing transition to democracy. I hope his leadership in Tunisia’s political evolution stands as a model for other states seeking to establish a democracy, following years of autocratic rule.”
