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Menendez Statement for the Record Reaffirming Strong U.S.-Israel Relations

WASHINGTON – Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, submitted the following statement for the Senate record expressing his strong support for a robust U.S. – Israel relationship, and praising Congress for its work to sustain these ties.

“Today I want to once again reaffirm that the United States Congress stands firmly behind a strong U.S.-Israel relationship. As threats to Israel continue to increase, as her enemies continue to grow ever-closer, the United States will stand firm in our commitments.

Despite partisanship interfering with so many pressing policy issues today, an overwhelming majority of members of all political parties continue to reaffirm Congressional support for this relationship.

Congress continues to fully fund the unprecedented $38 billion of Memorandum of Understanding for Military Aid. And will continue to do so on a bipartisan basis.

Congress continues to authorize and fund missile co-development programs like Iron Dome, David’s Sling, and Arrow 3. And will continue to do so on a bipartisan basis.

Congress passed the Taylor Force Act, making clear that the United States will not provide assistance that directly benefits the Palestinian Authority until it stops incentivizing violence by paying salaries to prisoners convicted of terrorism against Israeli or American citizens.

And should there be any question about where the entirety of the United States Senate – Democrats and Republicans stand – all 100 Senators signed a letter calling for Israel’s inclusion in the Global Entry Program.

Our relationship with Israel is rooted in this bipartisanship. We are stronger for it, and so is Israel. It is disappointing to see some try to drive a political wedge in this historical support.

Those who would try to use Israel or support for the U.S.-Israel relationship as a political football are not helping this relationship, nor are they helping promote either American or Israeli security. Along with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, I will continue to be a vocal advocate for a robust U.S.-relationship rooted in strong bipartisan support.”
