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Menendez on President Trump’s U.N. General Assembly Speech

WASHINGTON—Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today released the following statement on President Trump’s remarks before the U.N. General Assembly: 

"President Trump's second address before the United Nations was yet another missed opportunity to express moral clarity and promote American values and leadership on the global stage. The President’s focus on nationalism continues to leave America alone and alienated from the very allies we need to champion our priorities and promote our interests.

“The North Korean threat has only grown on President Trump’s watch and Kim Jong Un has yet to take any concrete steps towards denuclearization. And to effectively confront Iran, history has shown we must work with the international community. In spite of the President’s words about American strength, the Trump Administration’s actions have systematically gutted American foreign assistance and diplomatic capabilities, while rolling out the red carpet for our adversaries.

“Two years in, the Trump administration still does not appreciate America’s history in shaping the international institutions that have elevated America’s role in promoting peace, human rights, and security around the world. Instead, the world chuckled as the President of the United States continued to undermine the very values and institutions that make the United States a leader while bragging about his administration’s slim accomplishments. America, and the world, deserve better.”
