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Menendez Calls on Secretary Pompeo to Recuse Himself from All Matters Related to Ukraine

“…there are serious questions concerning your role in the leveraging of U.S. security assistance – taxpayer dollars -- to advance President Trump’s personal and political agenda… Recusal is the only option at this point to prevent further erosion of the integrity of U.S. foreign policy.”

WASHINGTON – Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today called on Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to immediately recuse himself from all Ukraine related-matters given his direct conflict of interest in the Trump-Zelensky scandal.

“There are serious questions concerning your role in the leveraging of U.S. security assistance – taxpayer dollars – to advance President Trump’s personal and political agenda,” wrote Menendez. “The American people need to have confidence that the Nation’s chief diplomat is making decisions based on the national interest – not to advance a partisan political agenda. Recusal is the only option at this point to prevent further erosion of the integrity of U.S. foreign policy.”

Menendez also called on Secretary Pompeo to refrain from any participation or influence over the State Department’s response to the Ukraine scandal. Such influence would include blocking State Department officials from providing Congress with requested documents or interviews.

“You should also step back from Ukraine policy and foreign assistance decisions,” added Menendez.

A copy of the Senator’s letter can be found HERE and below

Dear Secretary Pompeo,

I write to urge you to recuse yourself immediately from all Ukraine related-matters. You have a direct conflict of interest given your participation in the now-infamous Trump-Zelensky call, and there are serious questions concerning your role in the leveraging of U.S. security assistance – taxpayer dollars -- to advance President Trump’s personal and political agenda.

Going forward you must refrain from any direct or indirect participation in or influence over the State Department response to the Ukraine scandal, including congressional requests for documents or to interview State Department personnel. You should also step back from Ukraine policy and foreign assistance decisions. The American people need to have confidence that the Nation’s chief diplomat is making decisions based on the national interest — not to advance a partisan political agenda. Recusal is the only option at this point to prevent further erosion of the integrity of US foreign policy.
