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Menendez Calls for Credible Elections in Nigeria in New Senate Resolution

WASHINGTON – Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, last night introduced a bipartisan Senate Concurrent Resolution reaffirming support for democracy in Nigeria, and calling on the Nigerian government to take the necessary steps to facilitate elections that are credible, transparent, and peaceful. Nigeria has presidential elections scheduled for February 16, and gubernatorial and National Assembly elections scheduled for March 2.

“I along with a bipartisan group of Senators am introducing this resolution to let the Nigerian people know that the United States Senate is watching the conduct of all actors participating in the February elections,” said Sen. Menendez. “The 2015 elections were a watershed in Nigeria’s democratic evolution, resulting in the first peaceful transfer of power between political parties in Nigerian history.  Nigerians rightfully expect this year’s elections to further consolidate those gains.  I am calling on all participants — including the candidates, the security forces and political party activists – to do their utmost to ensure that the elections are peaceful, and meet Nigerian, African, and international standards for the conduct of credible democratic elections.” 

 “The conduct of these elections will have a significant impact on the United States–Nigeria bilateral relationship for years to come.  I stand with the people of Nigeria in their aspirations for a peaceful, democratic election process and an outcome that truly reflects the will of the Nigerian people.”

 A copy of the resolution can be found HERE.    
