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Menendez Blasts Trump Administration for Lowering Refugee Cap

WASHINGTON – Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued the following statement after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced on Monday afternoon the Trump administration will cut the number of refugees allowed to the United States for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 to a new low of 30,000.   

“At a time when we should be defending our values ??and ideals as Americans and working to alleviate the biggest refugee crisis since World War II, it is truly repugnant to see the Trump administration double down on its efforts to reject our foundational values and humanitarian duty of providing those escaping persecution the opportunity to seek protection and safe haven. Our refugee resettlement program plays a critical role not only in promoting stability around the world, but in elevating our moral leadership on the global stage. Yet today, the Trump administration announced its refugee policy will continue to do untold damage to our nation’s values and countless lives across the world.” 

“For decades, refugee resettlement was a point of pride for both Republican and Democratic alike. And as seasoned and qualified civil servants are pushed out by anti-immigration hardliners in the Trump administration, I am very concerned to see Secretary Pompeo was either not willing or unable to be a voice of reason in the room when President was told he should continue grinding the U.S refugee program to a halt.”

“I call on Congressional Republicans to join our fight to demand the Trump administration reverse this cruel and short sighted decision, and put forth refugee and immigration policies that not only reflect our fundamental values as a nation but also serve our humanitarian and strategic interests.”
