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EVENT: Global Forced Migration - The Political Crisis of Our Time

On behalf of Senator Bob Menendez (D–N.J.), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (SFRC), we would like to invite you to a Congressional briefing on Thursday, June 18, 2020 to discuss a new report being published by the SFRC Democratic Staff. The report, titled “Global Forced Migration: The Political Crisis of Our Time,” is the culmination of a comprehensive SFRC investigation commissioned by Ranking Member Menendez into the global forced migration crisis.

Joining Menendez for a virtual panel discussion will be Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Lloyd Axworthy, Chair of the World Refugee and Migration Council, and Dr. Farida Almuslem, Director of the Adana Maternity & Children’s Hospital in Northern Syria.

The SFRC report examines the drivers and trends of today’s global forced migration crisis, as well as international and U.S. responses. Drawing on expert interviews, in-country research, and historical review, the report outlines the urgent and pressing nature of forced migration around the world. The SFRC Democratic Staff lays out the case for sweeping and innovative action, and makes timely recommendations to the U.S. Government and international community to strengthen the global response to the crisis.

: “Global Forced Migration: The Political Crisis of Our Time” Briefing

WHERE: Virtual Meeting, Hosted via Zoom

WHEN: Thursday, June 18, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM EDT


Opening Remarks by Senator Bob Menendez

Panel Speakers

Madeleine Albright, Former U.S. Secretary of State

Lloyd Axworthy, Chair, World Refugee and Migration Council and Former Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs

Dr. Farida Almuslem, Director of the Adana Maternity & Children’s Hospital in Northern Syria

Other speaker TBD

 Moderated By:

Charlotte Oldham-Moore, Senior Professional Staff Member, SFRC Democratic Staff