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Corker on Extension of Iran Nuclear Talks: “We All Knew This Was Coming”

Says “the president should come to Congress for approval so we can weigh in on the entirety of any final deal and strictly enforce Iranian compliance.”

WASHINGTON – Following the announcement of an extension in nuclear talks with Iran, U.S. Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said there must be a firm end date to the negotiations while also insisting on the opportunity for Congress to weigh in on any final deal and ensure Iran’s full compliance.

“With a disappointing beginning negotiating position that included a built-in extension, we all knew this was coming,” said Corker. “In spite of that, every diplomatic effort should be pursued vigorously to reach an acceptable conclusion and prevent a nuclear-armed Iran. I urge the administration to make it clear there will be no more extensions, which would only further diminish our leverage. Just as he did in the case of Syria last year, the president should come to Congress for approval so we can weigh in on the entirety of any final deal and strictly enforce Iranian compliance.”

Corker introduced legislation in November 2013 to enforce Iran’s compliance with the interim deal and lay out the terms of an acceptable final agreement. Those terms, along with a mechanism for a joint resolution of disapproval by Congress, were later incorporated into the Menendez-Kirk Iran sanctions bill, of which Senator Corker is a cosponsor. Additionally, Corker drafted an amendment this year to ensure Congress has the opportunity to have a say over any final deal with Iran.
