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Corker Calls for Close Examination of U.S. Drone Policy and Executive Branch’s Use of Force Overseas

WASHINGTON – Following debate in the Senate over the Obama administration’s drone program, U.S. Senator Bob Corker, R-Tenn., called for a close examination of the policy in hearings before the Foreign Relations Committee to answer key questions related to the use of drones and the executive branch’s use of force overseas.

“Congress has long abdicated its legitimate and constitutionally-mandated role in authorizing the use of military force. It is critical that Congress regularly and carefully look at the way the executive branch employs the use of force,” said Corker.  “In particular, I have serious concerns regarding our current drone policy, and I intend to seek answers to my questions in hearings before the Foreign Relations Committee, which has jurisdiction over the executive branch's use of its war-making authority. I believe our committee should play a decisive role in examining these questions, and I intend to work with the chairman and other interested committee members to work on these matters.”
