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Chairman Menendez Statement on the 50th Anniversary of Bangladesh’s Independence

WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued the following statement marking the 50th anniversary of Bangladesh’s independence, March 26:

“On the 50th anniversary of Bangladesh’s independence, I extend my best wishes to the Bangladeshi people as you celebrate this momentous milestone. Members of Congress have a proud history of support for Bangladesh’s independence: Senator Ted Kennedy’s 1971 visit drew international attention to the repression the people of Bangladesh faced, and Kennedy became a champion for the importance of Bangladesh’s independence. Since Bangladesh became independent, the people of the United States and Bangladesh have had a strong relationship rooted in shared democratic values, highlighted by constitutions that enshrine those values in law. I look forward to strengthening the U.S.-Bangladesh relationship on the basis of those values to address major issues including climate change, human rights  and humanitarian challenges.

“I am grateful for the many contributions made by Bangladeshi-Americans to New Jersey and the United States. I wish the people of Bangladesh a happy Independence Day.”
