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Chairman Menendez, Ranking Member Risch Introduce Resolution Recognizing the 75th Anniversary of the Marshall Plan

WASHINGTONU.S. Senators Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) and Jim Risch (R-Idaho), Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today joined in introducing a resolution in recognition of the Marshall Plan’s role in founding a transatlantic community committed to the preservation of peace, prosperity, and democracy. In addition to reaffirming U.S. policy to cooperate with transatlantic allies and partners to advance shared values, the bipartisan resolution also congratulates the German Marshall Fund (GMF) on its fiftieth anniversary and expresses appreciation for the Fund’s work in championing international collaboration.

“Seventy-five years on, the Marshall Plan continues to serve as the foundation for U.S. participation in the transatlantic community and guides our engagement with European partners today,” Chairman Menendez said. “From NATO to the OECD, our active presence in international organizations remains critical to maintaining global stability and safeguarding democracy, and is ever important against the backdrop of Putin’s brutal and unlawful siege on Ukraine. I am proud to introduce this bipartisan resolution to affirm our commitment to advancing transatlantic values of human rights, peace, and security as we continue to support Ukraine in its defense of its sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

“The Marshall Plan was one of the most successful U.S. foreign policy programs of the 21st century. It laid the groundwork for Europe’s economic success following World War II, reinvigorated the U.S. economy, and helped build the transatlantic relationship that we rely upon even today,” said Ranking Member Risch. “I’m proud to introduce this resolution commemorating the 75th anniversary of this important program and reaffirming our support for our transatlantic allies and partners.”

Find a copy of the resolution HERE
