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Chairman Menendez Introduce the Strengthening Fentanyl Sanctions Act

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, introduced the Strengthening Fentanyl Sanctions Act, critical legislation to ensure that the Biden administration has the resources and authorities needed to target malign actors fueling the ongoing fentanyl epidemic in our country.

“The devastating toll fentanyl has inflicted upon the families of New Jersey and those across our nation cannot be overstated. While nothing can rebuild the lives that have been destroyed by the fentanyl epidemic, we can honor the memories of our loved ones lost to this scourge by ensuring our country is using every tool at our disposal to end this global crisis, including holding accountable the Chinese (PRC) pharmaceutical companies and Mexican drug cartels that are driving the illicit trafficking of fentanyl and fentanyl precursors” said Chairman Menendez. “The Strengthening Fentanyl Sanctions Act authorizes practical and commonsense steps to ensure these actors are held accountable, and I look forward to working with my colleagues in both the Senate and House to pass this bill and help the U.S. substantively expand its capacity to confront one of the greatest global threats facing the American public.”

The Strengthening Fentanyl Sanctions Act would:

  1. Extend the sunset of the landmark Fentanyl Sanctions Act of 2019 and expand on it by ensuring that PRC pharmaceutical companies responsible for trafficking fentanyl and fentanyl pre-cursors are prioritized for targeted sanctions
  2. Codify Kingpin sanctions on the major Mexican cartels responsible for the trafficking of fentanyl and other illicit drugs
  3. Authorize and codify Executive Order 14059 to ensure the imposition of sanctions on foreign persons involved in the global illicit drug trade

Find a copy of the legislation HERE.

