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Chair Cardin Welcomes Haiti Transitional Council, Multinational Security Support Mission to Restore Peace

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued a statement lauding the swearing-in of Haiti’s transitional council and thanking Kenyan President William Ruto for agreeing to have Kenya lead the United Nations’ Multinational Security Support mission to de-escalate violence and restore peace in Haiti.

“After nearly three years without an elected government, and in the face of spiraling gang violence nationwide, last night’s swearing-in of Haiti’s transitional council was welcome news and a productive step towards stability. Comprised of a cross section of Haitian political parties, civil society, and the private sector, the council now faces the challenging task of appointing a new interim prime minister, quelling the devastating levels of violence, and leading Haiti towards national elections. I thank Kenyan President Ruto for stepping up to lead the United Nations-approved Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission committed to restoring peace and security in Haiti, and call upon the international community to support President Ruto’s leadership by committing the resources necessary to ensure the mission succeeds. It is my hope that the MSS can be deployed as soon as possible to assist the Haitian National Police in addressing the dire security situation.”
