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Chair Cardin Statement on War Crimes Committed in Sudan, Calls on Administration to Name High-Level Special Envoy

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued the following statement after the State Department determined that members of the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) have committed war crimes in Sudan. He also called on the Biden Administration to name a high-level Special Envoy to lead the efforts of our allies and partners to end the conflict.

“The violence and brutality undertaken by the SAF, the RSF, and other armed actors demands nothing short of global condemnation, and I call upon all parties to immediately cease hostilities, and allow for the delivery of humanitarian aid, especially to conflict affected areas. Those who are found to have committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, and ethnic cleansing must be held accountable in a credible, transparent process.

“Given the gravity of this determination, I call upon the Biden Administration to immediately name a high-level Special Envoy who reports directly to the President or the Secretary of State in order to coordinate interagency policy, help lead the efforts of our allies and partners to end the conflict, and to work with the Sudanese in support of their aspirations to establish a democratic, representative government in Sudan. And I urge the administration to continually review on an ongoing basis whether specific atrocity crimes are taking place, given the ongoing violence and the history of genocide in Sudan.

“I welcome the sanctions designations on Monday of three officials of the former Omar al-Bashir regime engaged in activities that undermine the peace, security, and stability of Sudan. Impunity has characterized conflict in Sudan for far too long, and these designations should serve as a warning to other individuals, companies, and countries that are facilitating or supporting the parties to the conflict.”
