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Chair Cardin Statement on the Expiration of the DPRK Panel of Experts Mandate

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued a statement on the expiration of the United Nations (UN) Panel of Experts mandate related to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), following Russia’s veto of a routine resolution that would have extended the panel. Over the last 15 years, the Panel has played a vital role in monitoring UN sanctions against the DPRK’s illegal nuclear and ballistic missile program and supporting UN member states efforts to adhere to their obligations under various UN Security Council resolutions related to North Korea.

“Russia’s refusal to renew the Panel’s mandate, as well as the People’s Republic of China’s abstention, is irresponsible, dangerous, and deeply concerning, representing a clear attempt to hide Russia’s own Security Council violations in aiding and abetting the Kim Jong Un regime. The discovery of DPRK missiles in Ukraine demonstrates Russia is providing direct financial support to Pyongyang while sustaining its own unlawful war of aggression against Ukraine. These actions not only undermine UN Security Council resolutions, but they constitute a clear and present danger to global peace and security. The United States’ commitment to working with our international partners to uphold the global nonproliferation regime and make the world a safer place remains one of our highest priorities: this includes enforcing UN sanctions against the DPRK and shining a light on Russia’s reckless and destabilizing conduct.”
