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Chair Cardin Statement on Meeting with President Biden and Congressional Leaders

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued a statement following his meeting with President Joe Biden and congressional leaders to discuss the President’s supplemental appropriations request.

“President Biden and I remain resolute in our shared commitment to help Ukraine defend itself against Russia’s unprovoked and ongoing war,” said Chair Cardin. “The fate of the West and the integrity of NATO depends on Russia seeing its brazen acts of aggression against Ukraine thwarted.”

“Republicans and Democrats in the United States Senate stand together in support of the President’s request for supplemental appropriations to sustain Ukraine through the difficult months ahead,” continued Chair Cardin. “Both chambers of Congress must move quickly on an up-or-down vote on aid to Ukraine and to our strategic partners in Israel and the Indo-Pacific.”
