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Chair Cardin Statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2024

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued a statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

“On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we honor the memory of the six million Jews whose lives were systematically taken by Nazis and their collaborators during WWII. We also recognize the courage and resilience of the Jewish people, and recommit to learning the lessons of this somber chapter in the course of human history so that we may never again repeat this tragedy.

“This year’s day of remembrance comes at a dark time for Jews here at home, and around the world. On October 7, Hamas terrorists brutally attacked Israel and took hostages in the worst act of terror committed against Jews since the Holocaust. Since then, we have seen a disturbing surge in antisemitic hate and violence, and we are now charged with fighting it at every turn.

“It has never been — and will never be — enough to simply ‘remember.’ We must combat hatred in all forms and through all available avenues including through education, law enforcement, and policy initiatives. We all have an essential role to play in correcting disinformation and denialism about the dangers of prejudice because learning the truth is the key to fighting intolerance.”
