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Chair Cardin Statement on Hong Kong’s Passage of Article 23

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued a statement on the passage of Article 23 of Hong Kong’s Basic Law.

“I am deeply concerned about the passage of Article 23 by the Hong Kong government, as it continues to act at the behest of Beijing. Article 23’s broad and vague definitions, especially regarding penalties for sharing 'state secrets' and engaging in 'external interference,' along with the supposed extraterritorial application of these laws, will have a chilling effect on the remaining vestiges of Hong Kong’s autonomy and freedoms. I am also alarmed about the implications of Article 23’s passage for the safety and operations of U.S. citizens, businesses, and independent media in Hong Kong.

“I urge the Beijing and the Hong Kong governments to rescind Article 23, as well as the 2020 National Security Law, and restore to the people of Hong Kong their basic rights and freedoms. In light of the PRC’s ongoing crackdown on fundamental freedoms in Hong Kong, the U.S. Congress will continue to evaluate the preferential treatment the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region receives under U.S. law.”
