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Chair Cardin Statement on DOJ Announcement Related to Foiled Assassination Plot in New York

Charges come two months after Canadian officials announced allegations linking Indian agents to the June murder of a Sikh separatist leader in Vancouver, CA

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee, issued a statement following the announcement by the U.S. Department of Justice of an unsealed indictment alleging Indian government officials engaged in a plot to assassinate a U.S. citizen in New York City who was a vocal government critic and labeled a terrorist by the Modi Administration.

“We are witnessing an alarming rise in transnational repression globally, where governments are dispatching assassins and kidnappers or using international criminal networks to abduct, harass, intimidate, and harm dissidents, journalists, and other individuals – far beyond their borders,” said Chair Cardin. “The disturbing news of a foiled assassination plot against a U.S. citizen involving Indian government officials further underscores the importance of shedding light on efforts by governments to silence dissenters living abroad. Next week, I will be chairing a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing that will examine the scope of global transnational repression and how the United States government can more effectively counter this pernicious threat.”
