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Chair Cardin Statement Marking Three Years since the Military Coup in Myanmar



WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued a statement following his meeting with a delegation from Myanmar’s National Unity Government on the third anniversary of Myanmar’s military coup.

Chair Cardin is an original sponsor of the BURMA Act, which provides authority for innovative ways for U.S. support to the people of Myanmar, including certain ethnic organizations. This is vital support for pro-democracy activists and leaders, including the members of the National Unity Government, with whom Chair Cardin met with today.

“Today marks three years since the latest violent military coup perpetrated by the generals in Myanmar. This day also marks my first meeting with a delegation from Myanmar’s National Unity Government including Foreign Minister Zin Mar Aung. We discussed the incredible bravery and resilience of the people of Myanmar as they continue the fight for democracy against brutal military oppressors, and what more the United States can do to support their efforts.

“Make no mistake: Myanmar’s ruthless military regime is using the same playbook they have used for decades to thwart democratic aspirations and crush the people’s will to resist the military dictatorship, including threats of death, rape, torture, and imprisonment, as well as terrorizing innocent men, women, and children. Yet, in the face of such unimaginable brutality, the people of Myanmar have united in unprecedented ways – including under the umbrella of the National Unity Government – to fight for freedom and stand up against authoritarianism.

“The United States must continue to stand with the people of Myanmar and support their aspirations for democracy, prosperity, human rights, and peace. The U.S. Congress has long stood by the people of Myanmar, and for good reason: they are our friends and partners, and represent the greatest hope for a peaceful and prosperous nation, and they deserve nothing less.”
