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Chair Cardin Statement in Support of LGBTQI+ Communities in Uganda

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued the following statement after the White House detailed its response to Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act and called on the Ugandan government to repeal the law.

“Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act is part of a broader pattern of actions by President Yoweri Museveni’s that have undermined democracy, diluted the rule of law, and silenced dissenting voices and views. Since the passage and implementation of the law, there have been chilling reports of mass evictions, violence, and arrests of LGBTQI+ individuals, leaving countless people in fear for their lives. I applaud the Biden Administration for its demonstrated commitment to uphold the rights of LGBTQI+ Ugandans in the face of the passage of this law. I also affirm my support for the continued struggle of all Ugandans to live in a fair and safe society that safeguards Ugandans’ rights to be free from violence, discrimination, and stigma.

“Unfortunately, senior members of the Ugandan government, military, and security services continue to commit violations of human rights - to include torture, extrajudicial killings, and forced disappearances - with impunity. The Biden Administration’s decision to sanction the Commissioner General of the Uganda Prison Service (UPS) for instances of torture and to redirect foreign assistance away from government entities complicit in violating human rights will strengthen efforts to uphold and protect the rights of all Ugandans.

“Legislating prejudice is wrong for any government in any country. We must not backpedal on the decades of progress LGBTQI+ advocates have achieved toward decriminalization and full inclusion in society. The United States government’s response to the egregious Anti-Homosexuality Act should also be a warning to other countries around the world that are similarly seeking to undermine human rights, including the rights of LGBTQI+ communities.”
