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Chair Cardin Speaks in Support of Kurt Campbell to be Deputy Secretary of State

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, delivered remarks on the floor of the Senate in support of Kurt Campbell’s nomination to be Deputy Secretary of State.

“Mr. Campbell’s distinguished career provides him with deep experience to excel in this position,” said Chair Cardin. “It includes service in the Navy, the State Department, the Defense Department, and the private sector. Mr. Campbell brings more than two decades of service in various leaderships, including as Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Affairs. He has the expertise to help navigate the Department—and our nation—through complex global challenges.”



A copy of the Chair’s remarks, as delivered, have been provided below.

M. President, I come to the floor today to speak in support of the nomination of Kurt Campbell to be Deputy Secretary of State. The Deputy Secretary of State is one of the most critical roles at the Department of State. The Deputy Secretary serves as a key advisor to the Secretary, advancing top national security priorities, and serves as one of our top diplomats around the world.

To that end, Mr. Campbell’s distinguished career provides him with deep experience to excel in this position. It includes service in the Navy, the State Department, the Defense Department, and the private sector. Mr. Campbell brings more than two decades of service in various leaderships, including as Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Affairs. He has the expertise to help navigate the Department—and our nation—through complex global challenges.

Having a confirmed Deputy Secretary of State is paramount as we work to support our allies and build resilient partnerships, respond to crises, and de-escalate tensions and conflict around the world. From Europe, where maintaining unity and support for Ukraine is more critical than ever; to addressing challenges in the Indo-Pacific with the dynamic reaction between Beijing and Taipei; to the Middle East, where we must prevent further escalation, work towards the release of hostages, and avoid a humanitarian crisis. These require the full diplomatic force of our nation.

At this critical moment, the State Department’s role and leadership is more important than ever. I don’t have to remind my colleagues of all the challenges we have around the world. We need a full diplomatic corps there to represent the United States’ interests and it’s critically important that we have Mr. Campbell confirmed as Deputy Secretary of State.

I want to take a moment to acknowledge the exceptional leadership of Ambassador Victoria Nuland, who has been serving in an acting capacity since last year. She is among our nation’s finest diplomats, and we have been lucky to have someone of her experience step into this role in the interim. I must tell you I've had many dealings with Ambassador Nuland. She's always been very direct with us, she’s always been an incredibly talented diplomat representing our nation and we thank her for being willing to take on this extraordinary position during this critical time. But it’s in our national interest to have Senate-confirmed officials serving in our nation’s top national security posts.

Mr. Campbell is among the most experienced, and most capable officials to be nominated to this position. M. President, I strongly encourage my colleagues to support cloture on Mr. Campbell’s nomination and to confirm him without delay.
