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Chair Cardin Renews Calls for Two-State Solution and Humanitarian Aid to Gaza following Leader Schumer Address on Middle East Peace

“The only productive path forward is one that leads to two states, living side by side in equal measures of security, prosperity, dignity, and mutual recognition,” said Chair Cardin

WASHINGTON – Today, following an address by Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) on a pathway to peace in the Middle East, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued a statement reiterating his strong support for a two-state solution and ensuring critical humanitarian assistance reaches innocent civilians in Gaza:

“Earlier today, Senate Majority Leader Schumer gave an impassioned address on the Senate floor outlining his vision for peace in the Middle East. As a Jewish American whose family came to America in 1902 from Lithuania to escape pogroms, I too have a deep and personal connection to Israel’s security and survival, and I’d like to thank Leader Schumer for framing the challenges before us in such historic perspective. I encourage every American to listen to this speech as it outlines a blueprint for what’s necessary in fostering peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

“The echoes of the heinous October 7 terror attack still reverberate across Israel, leaving behind a profound sense of loss, grief, and insecurity. As the United States continues to support the victims and their families, we must also recognize the profound impact this tragedy has had on the collective consciousness of the Israeli people. In the face of such adversity, we stand in solidarity with Israel – one of our most important allies – as they navigate these uncertain times.

“Israel has long been a beacon of democracy in the Middle East, and it’s imperative that we trust in the resilience and wisdom of its citizens at the ballot box and beyond. As allies and friends, we must support the Israeli people in their efforts to shape their own destiny and chart the course of their post-war nation. Now is the time for both Israelis and Palestinians to thoughtfully determine their respective leadership and self-governing authority to address the new realities and challenges brought forth by the October 7 attack, and reaffirm a shared commitment to lasting peace and collective security.

"There is no future for Hamas in the region. The only productive path forward is one that leads to two states, living side by side in equal measures of security, prosperity, dignity, and mutual recognition. The plight and suffering of innocent Palestinians caught in the middle of this conflict cannot be overstated, and the United States will continue working with our global partners to help facilitate the flow of critical humanitarian aid, as well as supporting ongoing diplomatic efforts that lead to the release of all remaining hostages in Gaza, including the Americans taken by Hamas.”
