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Chair Cardin Leads Letter to Qatar Prime Minister Urging Him to Help Mediate the Release of All Hostages Taken by Hamas

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, along with Senators Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), Chris Coons (D-Del.), Cory Booker (D-N.J.), and Jack Reed (D-R.I.), having recently returned from a bipartisan Congressional Delegation to Israel, sent the following letter to Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani of Qatar urging his government to redouble its efforts and use all its leverage to mediate the immediate release of all hostages taken by Hamas in its heinous October 7 attack.

“We have recently returned from a Congressional Delegation to Israel where we met with the families of those Americans who remain in captivity in Gaza. Their stories are heartbreaking and add to the already unspeakable trauma inflicted by Hamas’ terrorist attack. While every hostage returned alive to their families is relief and a blessing, we cannot rest until all are returned,” wrote the Senators. “We therefore urge you to build on the progress made in using your government’s contacts and goodwill, including those with the political and military leadership of Hamas, to intensify your government’s advocacy for securing the release of all those still being held hostage inside Gaza.”

Full text of the letter is provided below.

Dear Prime Minister Al-Thani,

We write to you regarding Qatar’s important role in mediating the release of hostages taken during Hamas’ heinous October 7 attack on Israeli civilians. We appreciate the work Qatar has undertaken so far in this regard, but we need to urge your government to redouble its efforts to alleviate this tragedy and return all those kidnapped by Hamas, especially the women, children, elderly, and those in poor health who are still being held in Gaza.  Every moment that passes without their return is another moment that their lives are in danger and their families suffer. We are gravely concerned that prolonged captivity will further endanger their lives and make their safe return more difficult.

We have recently returned from a Congressional Delegation to Israel where we met with the families of those Americans who remain in captivity in Gaza.  Their stories are heartbreaking and add to the already unspeakable trauma inflicted by Hamas’ terrorist attack.  While every hostage returned alive to their families is relief and a blessing, we cannot rest until all are returned.

Qatar is a vital U.S. partner in maintaining peace and stability in the Middle East.  From hosting the Combined Air Operations Center at Al-Udeid Airbase, and acting as the protecting power for U.S. interests in Afghanistan, to providing livelihood assistance to the Lebanese Armed Forces and closely coordinating with Israel to provide assistance to Gaza, Qatar has worked hard to advance shared priorities with the U.S.

We therefore urge you to build on the progress made in using your government’s contacts and goodwill, including those with the political and military leadership of Hamas, to intensify your government’s advocacy for securing the release of those still being held hostage inside Gaza.

We look forward to continuing to work with your government on this and other shared priorities.
