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Chair Cardin Applauds Priorities Secured in 2024 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued a statement on final passage of the FY24 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations bill:

“I am happy to see Congress pass an FY24 spending bill to continue funding our diplomatic corps as we work to advance our national security objectives. As we face intense geopolitical challenges across the globe, it is imperative that the United States send a strong signal to its adversaries that we will continue to invest in and robustly fund American diplomacy. I am particularly pleased that the funding bill will allow the Department to implement a number of State Authorization priorities, funding a number of initiatives that will assist the Department in modernizing our diplomatic capabilities to meet 21st century challenges, including The Commission on Reform and Modernization of the Department of State.

“It is my hope that in having both chambers finalize the FY24 spending bills, Speaker Johnson and the House can turn their attention to the much needed bipartisan national security supplemental bill. Our allies do not have the luxury to wait out partisan politics. While Ukraine rations ammunition amidst our delayed support, military aid from North Korea and Iran for Russia continues to be right on time. It’s my hope that today’s passage leads the House to turn its attention to righting that imbalance and delivering for our allies.”
