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Chair Cardin and Rep. Hoyer Introduce Legislation to Conserve and Protect the World’s Most Vital Forests

“Protecting and restoring the world’s critical forest resources is essential for biodiversity, climate stability, and the well-being of indigenous communities,” said Chair Cardin.

WASHINGTON – This week, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and U.S. Congressman Steny Hoyer (Md.-05) introduced the Combatting Global Deforestation Act in both the Senate and House of Representatives to help combat global deforestation and promote the conservation and restoration of the world’s most valuable forest ecosystems.

The legislation authorizes $3.5 billion over four years to finance forest conservation and restoration projects in developing countries, facilitated through long-term bilateral agreements between the State Department and governments or private entities that manage ecologically significant forested lands. These agreements will identify key challenges, ensure respect for human rights, support sustainable economic activities on protected lands, set clear conservation goals, outline practical strategies, designate responsibilities for involved parties, and provide assistance based on measurable project outcomes.

Global deforestation poses an urgent and serious threat to biodiversity, water and soil quality, public safety, regional stability, and economic growth, while also contributing significantly to greenhouse gas emissions that drive climate change. The private sector has shown strong interest in credible carbon offset and conservation credits as part of corporate sustainability and environmental goals. The Combatting Global Deforestation Act will require private sector involvement in developing and implementing projects under this Act, backed by the U.S. government, and establish a legal framework for verifiable outcomes, creating a much-needed, credible global system for forest conservation and anti-deforestation credits.     

“Protecting and restoring the world’s critical forest resources is essential for biodiversity, climate stability, and the well-being of indigenous communities,” said Chair Cardin. “Deforestation is not only a leading cause of carbon emissions but also contributes to habitat loss, water degradation, and increased vulnerability to trafficking and other illicit activities. Partnering with my friend and colleague Rep. Hoyer on this effort ensures we bring a strong, united approach to making conservation a viable economic alternative that can effectively challenge industrial deforestation practices.”

"Forests are the lungs of the Earth and damaging them devastates our environment and the communities around the world that depend on them," said Congressman Hoyer. "That's why trees and their ecosystems are an even more valuable commodity when they are left standing than when they are destroyed. This legislation will allow the United States to establish economic incentives that help ensure developing nations can seize on the value of conservation over deforestation which has wide reaching benefits including to us here in the United States. I look forward to continuing to work with my friend Senator Ben Cardin on this legislation and our longstanding effort to protect our planet and its forests." 

The Combatting Global Deforestation Act is supported by leading environmental groups committed to natural ecosystem protection, wildlife and biodiversity conservation and addressing the climate crisis.

“We must protect and restore forests to address the interconnected crises of biodiversity loss and climate change. For developing countries, safeguarding these ecosystems is essential, and results-based payments from the United States offer a powerful way to fund conservation while supporting U.S. diplomacy,” said Dr. M. Sanjayan, CEO of Conservation International. “High-quality forest carbon programs are a proven, market-based solution to keep forests intact. Conservation International applauds Chairman Cardin and Leader Emeritus Hoyer for their leadership in tackling nature loss and preserving the planet’s vital forests.”

“The introduction of the Combatting Global Deforestation Act couldn’t be more timely,” said Kerry Cesareo, Senior Vice President, Forests, for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). “Right now, leaders from all sectors of society are gathered in New York City to discuss how to confront the climate crisis, and healthy forests must be part of the solution. There is no pathway to averting catastrophic climate change that doesn’t require halting deforestation, particularly in the Amazon. We commend Senator Cardin and Representative Hoyer for leading this effort to tackle the climate and biodiversity crises and look forward to working with Congress to advance and strengthen US efforts to secure a future where people and nature can thrive.”  

“We applaud Senator Ben Cardin and Congressman Steny Hoyer for their leadership in introducing this important legislation to address global deforestation, a key contributor to the escalating climate crisis,” said Kahil Kettering, Executive Director of the Maryland/DC Chapter of The Nature Conservancy. “It will take innovative and durable solutions, and enabling policy conditions to combat this challenge and this offers a step in the right direction.”                           

Key provisions of the Combatting Global Deforestation Act:

  • Establishes a $3.5 billion trust fund to enable the State Department to enter into bilateral agreements to restore and protect forests in developing countries.

  • Sets clear policies for “qualified partners” using rigorous international standards to evaluate project value and methods for verifying success.

  • Requires private sector partnerships at the project level and allows the trust fund to accept private donations; private and philanthropic contributors will receive certificates of support from the State Department.

  • Awards financial assistance only when projects demonstrate concrete results.

  • Establishes the International Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration Fund and supports USAID in providing technical assistance and capacity building to partner countries.

Full text of the legislation (S. 5195) can be found here.
